" The ground is frozen, the snow is staying instead of melting, and the general population is acting like they have never driven in snow before. Winter is in full force here in Michigan with … Continued
The 2015 salmon run has afforded many of us time to reflect upon “the good ol’ days”. This year’s low fish count has meant more sitting in the boat just watching clients fish their hearts out with minimal hook-ups or … Continued
Driving faster than he probably had to down the pot hole-puddled two-track, he was racing nobody but the sun. Anxious to be at the launch before dawn, he was relieved to find the parking area empty, allowing him to relax … Continued
I thought I’d start a blog post called “The Imperfect Drift.” I’m calling it that for a reason. It’s essentially a look into my life as I try to learn and understand the world of guiding, fly-fishing, fishing politics, fly-tying, … Continued
Saving Sanity " Tis the season of the antsy steelhead fisherman. The winter doldrums have already begun to sink in due to Michigan experiencing record-breaking cold weather for December, with temperatures reaching negative twenty degrees and colder … Continued
It all starts on a Monday afternoon, as you arrive home from school and your dad arrives home from work. He comes to say hello and asks, “Do you have any test this Friday?” to which you reply “No.” He … Continued